Laminate Flooring Guide Floor Studio Decor Search
D4773 1380 193 Area A2 CMYK ECI.jpg

Debido a diferencias de contraste, luminosidad y resolución, una pantalla de ordenador sólo puede aproximar los colores y estructuras de los productos fabricados.

­ KRONOTEX DYNAMIC PLUS — Laminado Walnut Historia D 4773

The pattern of this luscious laminate floor evokes the nutty fruits of a wide range of walnut tree varieties. You can wield the décor D 4773 Walnut History to create a truly exceptional indoor experience. This laminate floor blends with virtually any room and ambience and enhances a wide range of styles. The 3-strip look, paired with a unique rustic wood grain structure and variegated hues, lends this panel peerless eloquence. The natural, seasonally changing reflections will astonish you with their shifting visual nuances, conjuring up a never-ending series of associations. An even larger universe of design possibilities is unlocked by the large selection of skirting boards, which come in a variety of shapes and decors, including plain white.

Programa de suministro

Grueso Largo Ancho Paneles / Cartón m² / cartón Cartón / Paleta m² / paleta
8 1380 193 8 2,131 56 119,320

* con embalaje nombre DYNAMIC

  • Beanspruchungsklasse 32
  • AC 4

Estructura de superficie

WG (wood grain): rustic embossing

Ilustraciones del estilo decorativo para descargar

Piso instalado
Descargar ilustración (jpg, 41,13 MB)
Panel individual
Descargar ilustración (jpg, 2,33 MB)

Now calculate the amount


Your requirements

Length: -- running metres
Package contents: 2.13072 m2 of laminate
Estimated trimming scrap: 10 %
Required quantity: -- boxes

Underlay: -- m2


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